
Class to simplify writing networked weapons.

A weapon, in this context, is anything that can be fired and spawn objects ( projectiles ) upon being fired.

Responsive projectiles

Upon firing, sending a request to the server and waiting for the response with the projectile would introduce a delay. Doing a full-on state synchronization with MultiplayerSynchronizer or RollbackSynchronizer can be unfeasible with too many projectiles, and unnecessary, since most of the time, projectiles act and move the same way regardless of their surroundings.

Instead, upon firing, a projectile is spawned instantly. At the same time, a request is sent to the server. If the server accepts the projectile, it will spawn it and broadcasts its starting state. Since the server's state is the source of truth, the projectile's local state will be updated with the difference. This is called reconciliation.

If the client requests a projectile with an unlikely state, it will be rejected. This is to avoid players cheating, for example by requesting projectiles at a more advantageous position than they're at.

If the server is too strict with what difference is considered acceptable and what not, legitimate players may get cases where they fire a projectile which disappears after a short time period.

Implementing a weapon

NetworkWeapon provides multiple functions to override. Make sure that all these methods work the same way on every player's game, otherwise players will experience glitches.

_can_fire returns a bool, indicating whether the weapon can be fired. For example, this method can return false if the weapon was fired recently and is still on cooldown. Do not update state here. Use _after_fire instead.

_can_peer_use indicates whether a given peer can fire the weapon. Due to the way RPCs are set up under the hood, any of the players can try to fire a weapon. Use this method to check if the player trying to fire has permission, e.g. a player is not trying to use someone else's weapon.

_after_fire is called after the weapon is successfully fired. Can be used to update state ( e.g. last time the weapon was fired ) and play sound effects.

_spawn creates the projectile. Make sure to return the created node.

_get_data must return the projectile's starting state in a dictionary. This can contain any property that is relevant to the projectile and must be synchronized. For example, global_transform is important to ensure that the projectile starts from the right position. On the other hand, projectile speed does not need to be captured if it's the same for every projectile.

_apply_data must apply the captured properties to a projectile.

_is_reconcilable checks if the difference between two projectile states ( as captured by _get_data ) is close enough to be allowed. Can be used to reject cheating.

_reconcile adjusts the projectile based on the difference between the local and server state.


NetworkWeapon extends Node. This also means that anything extending NetworkWeapon is also a node, and thus can't have a position for example.

Two specialized classes are provided - NetworkWeapon3D, and NetworkWeapon2D - extending Node3D and Node2D respectively.

This way, weapons can have transforms and have a presence in the game world. They also take care of reconciliation, implementing _get_data, _apply_data, _is_reconcilable, and _reconcile. These can be overridden, but make sure to to call the base class with super(...).

Reconciliation is based on distance, and can be configured with the distance_threshold property.

Under the hood, these specializations create a special NetworkWeapon node, that proxies all the method calls back to the specialization. This is a workaround to build multiple inheritance in a single inheritance language.