Test outcomes
Test cases can have different outcomes:
extends VestTest
func get_suite_name() -> String:
return "Test outcomes"
func suite():
test("Pass", func(): ok("This test passes"))
test("Fail", func(): fail("This test fails"))
test("Skip", func(): skip("This test should be skipped"))
test("TODO", func(): todo("This test is not implemented yet"))
test("Void", func(): pass) # This test has no outcome
extends VestTest
func get_suite_name() -> String:
return "Test outcomes"
func test_pass():
ok("This test passes")
func test_fail():
fail("This test fails")
func test_skip():
skip("This test should be skipped")
func test_todo():
todo("This test is not implemented yet")
func test_void():
# This test has no outcome
- Pass
- All requirements are fulfilled, the test subject works as expected.
- Fail
- Some or all of the requirements are broken, the test subject doesn't work as expected.
- Skip
- The test has skipped validating requirements. Often used for temporarily disabling tests.
- The test is yet to be implemented.
- Void
- No assertions have been made. Usually happens with empty test methods, or if the test ran into an engine-level issue ( e.g. syntax- or runtime errors )
The recommended way to set outcomes is to use assertions.