Printing custom messages
In case you want to include custom data in the test report - either as temporary debug messages or custom report data -, vest allows you to emit messages from your tests.
extends VestTest
func get_suite_name() -> String:
return "Print test"
func suite():
test("Custom message", func():
var date := Time.get_date_dict_from_system()
var date_string := "%d-%02d-%02d" % [date["year"], date["month"], date["day"]]
Vest.message("Tests ran on %s" % [date_string])
extends VestTest
func get_suite_name() -> String:
return "Print test"
func test_custom_message():
var date := Time.get_date_dict_from_system()
var date_string := "%d-%02d-%02d" % [date["year"], date["month"], date["day"]]
Vest.message("Tests ran on %s" % [date_string])
Call Vest.message()
, and its parameter will be stored as a test message.
These messages are then included in the test reports.
Each message is associated with the currently running ( or, if not available, about to be ran ) test case.