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Parameterized tests

Parameterized tests enable running the same test multiple times, but with different parameters. This is useful when the test cases themselves are very similar, and differ only in a few key values.

extends VestTest

func get_suite_name() -> String:
  return "Parameterized tests"

func suite():
  var cases := [
    ["simple", "Simple"],
    ["two_words", "Two Words"],
    ["camelCase", "Camel Case"]

  for i in range(cases.size()):
    test("Capitalize #" + str(i+1), func():
      expect_equal(cases[i][0].capitalize(), cases[i][1])
extends VestTest

func get_suite_name() -> String:
  return "Parameterized tests"

func provide_capitalize_params() -> Array:
  return [
    ["simple", "Simple"],
    ["two_words", "Two Words"],
    ["camelCase", "Camel Case"]

func test_capitalize(input: String, expected: String, _params="provide_capitalize_params"):
  expect_equal(input.capitalize(), expected)

With define

Using define() style for test cases gives you full control on how you define your tests - including doing so procedurally. Simply looping through the test case data and calling test() will run the test case multiple times, with different parameters.

With methods

Vest will recognize tests with a single default parameter as parameterized tests. The default parameter's value must be a method name. The method must return an array of arrays. Each individual array will be used as parameters for the test case.

The default parameter can have any arbitrary name, as long as its value points to a valid method name.