Lifecycle hooks
Vest provides hooks to run pieces of code during certain stages of execution.
extends VestTest
func get_suite_name() -> String:
return "Lifecycle hooks test"
func suite():
print("Starting " + get_suite_name())
on_suite_begin.connect(func(p_suite: VestDefs.Suite):
print("Starting suite " +
on_case_begin.connect(func(case: VestDefs.Case):
print("Starting case " + case.description)
on_case_finish.connect(func(case: VestDefs.Case):
print("Finishing case " + case.description)
on_suite_finish.connect(func(p_suite: VestDefs.Suite):
print("Finishing suite " +
print("Finishing " + get_suite_name())
test("First test", func(): ok())
test("Second test", func(): ok())
extends VestTest
func get_suite_name() -> String:
return "Lifecycle hooks test"
func before_all():
print("Starting " + get_suite_name())
func before_suite(p_suite: VestDefs.Suite):
print("Starting suite " +
func before_case(case: VestDefs.Case):
print("Starting case " + case.description)
func after_case(case: VestDefs.Case):
print("Finishing case " + case.description)
func after_suite(p_suite: VestDefs.Suite):
print("Finishing suite " +
func after_all():
print("Finishing " + get_suite_name())
func test_first():
func test_second():
Since the example above uses print()
, run it in debug mode to see the
test output. For printing messages that show up in the test report, see
Custom messages.
Hook methods and signals
Both signals and methods are available to hook into a test class' lifecycle. For methods, simply define them with the right signature.
For signals, connect your handlers to them either in a suite()
method, or in
Make sure to call super()
when overriding _init()
- Called before the test class is run. Useful for setting up parts of the test environment that all the tests rely on.
Called before each test suite defined by the class. This includes the class' root suite, and every nested suite defined by it.
The suite definition is passed as parameter.
Called before each test case defined by the class. This includes cases in nested suites as well. Useful for setting up parts of the test environment that should be refreshed for each test case.
The case definition is passed as parameter.
Ran after each test case defined by the class, including cases in nested suites. Useful for cleaning up after individual test cases.
The case definition is passed as parameter.
Ran after each test suite defined by the class, including nested suites.
The suite definition is passed as parameter.
- Ran after the test class has run. Useful for cleaning up after all the tests have ran.
Overriding methods and connecting to signals are not bound to either
or method-based test definitions. Mix and match as they make the
most sense for you!