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vest also supports coroutines. This enables writing asynchronous tests where you need to wait for signals or other coroutines.

extends VestTest

func get_suite_name() -> String:
  return "Coroutines"

func suite():
  # Coroutines are also supported when defining tests
  await Vest.sleep(0.01)

  test("Think of a number", func():
    var number := await think_of_a_number()

    expect_contains(range(0, 10), number)

func think_of_a_number() -> int:
  # Think for a bit
  await Vest.sleep(0.05)
  return randi() % 10
extends VestTest

func get_suite_name() -> String:
  return "Coroutines"

func test_think_of_a_number():
  var number := await think_of_a_number()

  expect_contains(range(0, 10), number)

func think_of_a_number() -> int:
  # Think for a bit
  await Vest.sleep(0.05)
  return randi() % 10

Coroutines are supported in tests ( both with test() and test methods ), and in suite definitions ( both in define() and suite methods ).