Vest can also serve as a benchmark runner. Benchmarks can help you find the most performant implementation of a particular feature, or making sure its performance meets your criteria.
extends VestTest
func get_suite_name() -> String:
return "Benchmarks"
func suite():
test("Random ID generation", func():
var length := 16
var charset := "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
var concat := benchmark("String concatenation", func():
var _id := ""
for i in range(length):
_id += charset[randi() % charset.length()]
var rangemap := benchmark("Range mapping", func():
var _id := "".join(
.map(func(__): return charset[randi() % charset.length()])
var psa := benchmark("PackedStringArray", func():
var chars := PackedStringArray()
for i in range(length):
chars.append(charset[randi() % charset.length()])
var _id := "".join(chars)
expect(concat.get_iters_per_sec() > 100_000, "Concatenation was too slow!")
expect(rangemap.get_iters_per_sec() > 100_000, "Rangemapping was too slow!")
expect(psa.get_iters_per_sec() > 100_000, "PackedStringArray was too slow!")
extends VestTest
func get_suite_name() -> String:
return "Benchmarks"
func test_random_id_generation():
var length := 16
var charset := "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
var concat := benchmark("String concatenation", func():
var _id := ""
for i in range(length):
_id += charset[randi() % charset.length()]
var rangemap := benchmark("Range mapping", func():
var _id := "".join(
.map(func(__): return charset[randi() % charset.length()])
var psa := benchmark("PackedStringArray", func():
var chars := PackedStringArray()
for i in range(length):
chars.append(charset[randi() % charset.length()])
var _id := "".join(chars)
expect(concat.get_iters_per_sec() > 100_000, "Concatenation was too slow!")
expect(rangemap.get_iters_per_sec() > 100_000, "Rangemapping was too slow!")
expect(psa.get_iters_per_sec() > 100_000, "PackedStringArray was too slow!")
Specifying the benchmark
To begin specifying a benchmark, call benchmark()
with a name and callable to
run. You can apply limits on how long or how many times to run the callable
with .with_duration()
or .with_iterations()
. If no limits are specified,
the benchmark is only ran once.
With the limits in place, call .run()
to perform the benchmark.
Inspecting results
The specified benchmark is returned as an object, that can be inspected. This can be useful in many situations, including custom reporting and asserting for key performance metrics.