A unit testing library for Godot.
- ✨ Define tests with test methods or programmatically with
- 📝 Parameterized tests to conveniently define multiple tests
- 🎭 Mock classes dynamically, for simpler unit testing
- ⚡ Run benchmarks, to find the best performing implementations
- 🗒️ Generate reports in TAP format, to integrate with other test harnesses
- 🔁 Coroutines for asynchronous cases
- ▶️ In-editor UI for convenient testing
- 🤖 Support for running in CI
A testing addon for Godot, vest aims to bring all the features of a full-fledged testing framework, while staying as lightweight and nonintrusive as possible.
Tests written with vest look as follows:
extends VestTest
# Specify name shown in reports
func get_suite_name() -> String:
return "pow()"
# With define():
func suite():
test("exp 0 should return 1", func():
expect_equal(1, pow(128, 0))
test("exp 1 should return input", func():
expect_equal(128, pow(128, 128))
# With test methods:
func test_exp_0_should_return_1():
expect_equal(1, pow(128, 0))
func test_exp_1_should_return_inpt():
expect_equal(128, pow(128, 128))
Godot v4.1.4 and up